BTS with Hike: Boston 2021

We capped off our February with Hike’s very first travel shoot of the year! We were really excited to partner with Geist Films and Nteractive to produce video content for New Balance.

Before our arrival, we made sure to do a deep dive into Boston and Massachusetts film and travel regulations. Our video producer and coordinator are already certified in COVID compliance on sets, so all we had to do was double check the Massachusetts-specific coronavirus guidelines and pack up our kits. Five negative COVID tests later, the Hike video production team was safe to fly!

Once we arrived in Boston, we worked together to keep hands washed, masks on, and surfaces sanitized. Integral to our set’s COVID safety was our wonderful CCO, Myriah! She provided guidance on proper coronavirus precautions during pre-pro and during filming. In addition to standard social distancing practices and heightened craft services safety, we made sure to don face shields during unmasked interviews and maintain extra distance between crew members and interviewees. Keeping our set COVID-free was a success.

Myriah was just one of the amazing production people we met in Boston. The wonderful studio manager at Red Sky, Mark, also introduced us to Fletcher, David, Asa, and Mel, who helped troubleshoot the technical hiccups that have become a familiar part of remote set-ups. Hiccups notwithstanding, we managed to connect with our international partners across the Atlantic Ocean. The Hike team collaborated with our Boston crew to stream the camera feed through Zoom using an EyeDirect and Blackmagic Design Web Presenters.

After 3 amazing days on set, we celebrated our wrap by downing 5 dozen oysters in Cambridge. But our favorite part of Boston was meeting the resident Red Sky dog, Maisy. A truly marvelous dog, Maisy graced us with her presence and scampered around the studio after we wrapped. A perfect end to a perfect shoot!


BTS with Hike: Heidenhain Engineering


Looking Back on 2020, and Forward to 2021